Frequently Asked Questions
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What is ESCAPE?
The ESCAPE project provides online teacher professional development for teachers to support the integration of the arts and sciences in newly developed standards-based curricula and the use of innovative teaching methods to increase elementary school student achievement.
Which elementary schools are eligible and what is required?
All grade 3-5 teachers are eligible to participate in the ESCAPE Online Professional Development Courses.
In order to participate in the Lesson Implementation Course, which includes implementation in the classroom with students, the research team must work with your school and/or district to ensure that the program’s research adheres to district research requirements and/or that no further approvals are needed from your school district. Please note that UCI ESCAPE has already received approval for data collection from LAUSD’s CERR and the UCI IRB board. This means that teachers from LAUSD are already approved to implement the ESCAPE curriculum in their classrooms and may opt to participate in the Lesson Implementation Course. Teachers from other districts should contact the research team to inquire about the possibility of taking the Lesson Implementation course. Approval to take the course will depend on IRB or research approval requirements in your district.
How many teachers are being recruited?
The goal is to recruit 200 teachers with a waiting list. Information about the future availability of the online courses will be provided to all who apply.
What is required of the teachers who participate in the ESCAPE Online PD Course?
- Participate in a 40-hour (4 unit) ESCAPE Online Course –offered 100% online
- Take a pre/post test of knowledge and pedagogy (1 hour)
- Complete a course evaluation form (10-20 minutes)
What is required of the teachers who participate in the ESCAPE Lesson Implementation Course?
- Participate in a 20-hour (2 unit) Implementation Course for follow-up professional development –all offered 100% online
- Prepare a student research roster
- Administer online pre- & post-science assessments to classroom students
- Teach six 1-hour ESCAPE Science lessons with fidelity
- Complete lesson reflections on teacher practices & implementation log (30-45 minutes)
- Complete a course evaluation form (10-20 minutes)
What compensation is provided to teacher participants?
To compensate teachers for their work, ESCAPE provides teachers with a choice between a monetary stipend OR units of course credit in addition to a Certificate in Teaching Science through the Arts issued from the UCI Department of Continuing Education. Teachers will earn $1000 or 4 units of credit for successful completion of the “ESCAPE Professional Development Online Course.” Teachers who successfully complete the follow-up “Lesson Implementation Course,” and implement the ESCAPE curriculum in their classrooms will be compensated with an additional $500 or 2 units of credit. (See question about who is eligible to participate in the Implementation Course).
When will the ESCAPE online courses and follow-up activities take place?
Online Course – Fall 2018 or Spring 2019 – Teachers will participate in one ESCAPE Online Training Course (40 hours) in Earth, Life, or Physical Science. Each course is designed to be completed in 5-10 week windows. Course start dates are flexible and will be scheduled based on district and ESCAPE program needs.
Lesson Implementation – Winter or Spring 2019- Following successful completion of the Earth, Life, or Physical Science ESCAPE Online Training Course, eligible teachers who opt into the classroom implementation will be enrolled in a Lesson Implementation Course (20 hours). The course will span the curriculum implementation window and provides ongoing support and resources for teachers as they implement the ESCAPE lessons. The Implementation Course and corresponding curriculum implementation window may span up to 3 months.
No Current Online Courses – The ESCAPE program has completed the National Science Foundation grant funding period. For future program announcements, see:
Where will the ESCAPE work take place?
at the locations of their choice at their own pace within the prescribed window of allowable time. Curriculum implementation will occur as part of the normal school day during class time.
Who is the contact for more information?
Maureen Burns, UCI ESCAPE Project Coordinator,, 310-489-3792.