What Teachers are Saying about ESCAPE!

The mix of science and arts is exactly what is needed as we move into Common Core implementation. This is how we need to teach.

~Elementary Teacher 

Having the ability to expose these children, they won’t be in a black and white world. If they’ve got that spark, or that desire, or that energy, they could do anything.

~Elementary Teacher 

It’s valuable to provide kids with a more artistic and intrinsic approach to learning science!

~Elementary Teacher 

I am already looking and thinking about the future and thinking okay what about the other standards, how can I incorporate something with art or how can I incorporate anything with movement?

~Elementary Teacher 

Contact Us


University of California, Irvine

301 Steinhaus Hall
Irvine, CA 92697

(e-mail): maburns@uci.edu

(fax): 949-242-2576